Games People Play by Eric Berne

As with Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy, Games People Play holds a limited academic value that I hope has already been fulfilled by better written books in this field.

Polysecure by Jessica Fern

A must-read for anyone in non-traditional relationship structures, and even monogamous relationships would benefit from asking themselves the questions Fern has put together.

Ester Nilsson #1 – Wilful Disregard

Through Wilful Disregard, Andersson has managed to paint a painfully self-aware portrait of the common yet toxic relationship between the preoccupied and dismissive attachment styles. Aside from the narrative itself, Andersson's poetic style of writing helps her dish out advice without seeming overbearing. She casts thoughtful pearls out in front of a world full of anxious and preoccupied human beings, hoping that they might relate.

Maithili and the Minotaur: Web of Woe

The eye-catching illustrations and side notes add to the interactive and layered experience of reading, and the characters and plot are such that Indian readers will be tickled pink.

Tamanna Trilogy #1 – No Time For Goodbyes

The quaint portrayal of these characters and the original premise were sufficient to keep me hooked all the way to the end. Here's looking forward to the sequel!

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